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Holiday Hope for All: Sertoma Club of St. Joseph, Missouri

When it comes to charitable adoption programs, the vast majority focus on children and families. Recognizing a significant gap in the standard practice, the Sertoma Club of St. Joseph, Missouri, decided to take a different approach over the holiday season.

“Individuals are the ones that are last to be adopted as most people want families, so we decided to go with individuals that had no one there for them,” explained Club President Bill McMurray.

The club adopted 14 individuals from their community, each receiving a special gift they had been hoping for, such as a tablet, art supplies, or new bedding. In addition, recipients were given clothing, cold weather gear, toiletries, and festive snacks.

Club members wrapped the gifts together in late December and delivered them to program organizers so that they would be under the tree in time for Christmas morning.

The club is now in its 110th year of Service to Mankind. It was chartered on January 9, 1914, and has been serving the St. Joseph metropolitan area ever since. They are known in the community for their successful program that helps put American flags at businesses on key holidays.