Please Wait a Moment

Age is Nothing but a Number

Hugh Prince has been a Sertoman since he was a 38-year-old businessman when he became a Charter Member of the Tampa East Sertoma Club in 1965. On March 31, Hugh will celebrate his 95th birthday — and 57 years of giving back to his community.

Hugh has been an active member of the Club through the years, serving as club president and a board member, participating in all club activities and fundraisers, and serving as the Salvation Army coordinator for our club. In recognition of his service, he received the 40 Year Tenure Award and the 57 Year Tenure award. 

He is currently the club's secretary, a position he's held for two years. Hugh is the "go-to" guy in keeping communications flowing to club members and maintaining club records while fulfilling all the other requirements of being a Sertoma club secretary.

"Hugh is an inspiration to the rest of the members as he goes about his duties with efficiency and computer savvy — writing the club's board meeting minutes, sending out photos and various club notices and attachments." ~ Carl Brown

At a recent club board meeting, a well-deserved birthday celebration and Sertoma congratulations were enjoyed by all in attendance. Hugh’s wife Barbara provided treats, and Hugh shared stories about growing up back in the early days of Tampa, with dirt roads, horse-drawn wagons, ice delivery to homes, and other tales. 

Photo cutline: Hugh Prince celebrating his 95th birthday at a recent Board Meeting.