CELEBRATE SOUND® is an event program shared by Sertoma and Hearing Charities of America. This national awareness-raising and fundraising event was created to help anyone interested in promoting hearing health within their community. This premiere event is designed as a turn-key fundraising project. Events help raise funds for local and national programs, but equally important, they help raise awareness of the importance of hearing health.
Sertoma and Hearing Charities of America are well-respected for their similar hearing health missions. Hearing health agencies, the audiology and speech pathology professions, deaf and hard-of-hearing students—these communities know of the contributions made through each of these organizations, whether in the form of grants and scholarships made by Sertoma, Inc. or in providing hearing aids through the Hearing Aid Project. With CELEBRATE SOUND®, we can spread the word beyond these circles. Together, we can raise public awareness of hearing health issues and increase funding for grants and scholarships.
Many worthy causes have gained recognition and awareness through nationally-branded events like walks. Now it’s time for each of us to shine the spotlight on hearing health.
This event is designed as a partnership between the event organizer and CELEBRATE SOUND®, to generate awareness and funding for local needs along with national programs.
Sertoma provides the tools and supplies for the event, from t-shirts and posters to full administration of participants and donations. The event organizer provides for the local needs—permits, facilities, day-of-event activities, and recruitment of local sponsors and participants. The event organizer’s expenses and supply costs will be paid from the revenues generated by the event. The remaining proceeds (net revenue) will be equally divided between Sertoma and the local organizer.
A partnership of shared investment, effort and success will build awareness and support for local and national programs and services.