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National Service Project

After the 2021 National Service Project (NSP) success, Sertoma has continued to focus on different areas where Portable InfoLoops would assist the hard-of-hearing community each year. Over the past two years, we had 60 clubs and the Hearing Charities of American Board of Directors participate in giving 189 Portable InfoLoops to hospitals and other community-based organizations. 

For 2022, we are inviting our clubs to raise money to purchase one (or more) Portable InfoLoops to donate to local public works office. A Portable InfoLoop system amplifies sound within a specific area for people with hearing aids. The club will present Portable InfoLoops to their local public office(s) during Better Hearing and Speech Month in May 2023.

Click HERE to download your NSP Press Kit.

What are Portable InfoLoops? 

The Portable InfoLoop is a completely self-contained, one-on-one induction loop assistive listening system. It’s compatible with all telecoil equipped hearing aids, cochlear implants and induction loop receivers.

With the Portable InfoLoop, listeners receive the signal at a distance of up to 3 feet from the unit.

See complete details on Looping Technology below:

Portable InfoLoop Summary Description

Portable Loop Product Description

Contacta RX20 Loop Listener Accessory

Ready to Order? 

Click here to order now: Portable InfoLoop Order Form

Keep Us Posted! 

Share your progress on Social Media! Use the hashtag #NSP2023 and tag us in your photos! Be sure to share on the Member’s Corner group on Facebook.


My club has questions and would like to hear more. Is there someone we can schedule to visit with us?

Absolutely! Contact Brian Riegel at or call us at 816-333-8300 to schedule a visit.

What are the prices?

Portable InfoLoop: $315, with 5% discount $299.25

Portable InfoLoop with table top mic: $382, with 5% discount $362.90

Loop Receiver Headphones: $129 with 5% discount 

New Multi-unit discount of 10% with 3 or more devices

Can my Sertoma club use funds already in our sponsorship fund?

Yes! Participating Sertoma club can purchase the Portable InfoLoops with funds already in their sponsorship fund. They can also hold a special fundraiser to earn money for the loop.

Will the clubs be raising money for Sertoma HQ to purchase the loops or will the individual club purchase them directly?

All purchases will be made directly through a special form provided above under the Ready to Order section.

When should we plan to present our portable loops?

Plan to present your portable loops during Better Hearing and Speech Month in May 2023. Sertoma has a National Service Project press kit to help your club gain local media attention.

How will you know we’re participating?

Tell us! Contact us and let us know you will be participating! Email Brian at

Can we hold a CELEBRATE SOUND® event as a fundraiser?

Absolutely!  Check here for more details.

How will Sertoma, Inc. help with this effort?

We’ll be publicizing the great work all our clubs are doing in support of this effort with media releases, social media posting, and more! We are also planning a campaign for Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) to let the world know just how our Sertoma clubs have been able to help their local libraries!

Can we partner with other local clubs to donate to more offices as a group?

Great idea! Absolutely! The more help, the better!

Can my Sertoma Club donate to the some place other than a public works office?

Yes! Our clubs know their community best, so choose where this device would better serve your community.