Please Wait a Moment

Club Grant Program

2024 Club Grant Program

2024 Club Grant Recipients List

Press Release Template for Clubs


The Sertoma Club Grant Program was established in 2021 to help further clubs’ efforts to support community charitable programs and organizations. Grants range from $500 to $2,000. In order to apply for a grant, clubs must:

  • Be in good standing as of the application deadline date. This includes all financial, reporting and IRS tax requirements. 
  • Beneficiary organization/program must have a valid and active 501(c)(3) or equivalent federal tax status. 
  • Complete the online application in full by November 1. The application is online only. Information required to complete the application includes club contact information, beneficiary contact information and EIN, amount of request, description of use, years club has supported the program, number of people impacted by the program, estimated annual budget of the program, how much the club will donate toward the program and the method of publicity/recognition (e.g.,TV, newspaper, etc.).
  • Clubs may only apply for one grant per fiscal year.

Program funds must be used by October of the following year (i.e., Funds issued in December 2024 must be presented by October 2025). Clubs are required to submit an online report about grant use (including a summary of publicity received and photos) by October 10 of the following year (i.e., 2024 grants must be reported by October 10, 2025) in order to apply for future grants. This report should only be completed if the club received a grant the prior year and is not an application to receive a grant in the current year. Clubs in good standing are eligible to apply for one (1) grant each fiscal year. 

Download the Informational Flyer


The grant may be applied toward any charitable purpose program of the community organization or club program. Bonus points will be awarded for projects related to hearing health projects. Checks will be made payable directly to the beneficiary organization; if the grant will be used for an approved club program, the check will be remitted to the club. 

Projects not allowed shall include, but are not limited to, general operating expenses, capital improvements, endowment funds, fees/dues, previously completed or funded projects (including any reimbursements), fundraising, salaries or employment expenses, scholarships, etc. No Sertoma member may derive a benefit from these funds. If you are unsure if a program would qualify, please email Amy Ellington at prior to application.

All applications will be judged by an appointed committee during the month of November. Criteria and point scoring shall be established by the committee at the beginning of each Sertoma fiscal year. Bonus points will be awarded for projects related to hearing health projects. Grant recipients will be announced via Sertoma HQ communication channels in December. 

For more information, call (816) 333-8300 or email