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#MemberMonday: 2023 Conference Education Preview

By Brandi McGrath Kong, Director of Member Services 

Sertoma’s National Conference returns this October 13-14 with a slate of education designed to motivate, inspire, and connect attendees. 


With an impressive background of almost 31 years in the US Air Force, former Command Chief Lefford Fate has mentored and led thousands of military members and their families. Lefford specializes in leadership, teamwork, communications, and personal development. He has a passion for inspiring audiences of all ages. As a certified coach, teacher, and speaker, he focuses on aiding personal and professional growth by applying proven leadership methods. 

Fate's keynote address will focus on helping our Sertomans build their team philosophy with his REAL method: 

R – Relationships – Developing and strengthening relationships 
E – Equip – Preparing the membership and club for optimum growth opportunities 
A – Attitude – Creating a positive environment that members are excited to be part of now and in the future 
L – Leadership – Lead from every level of your organization by leading yourself first

UNLOCKING SERTOMA’S ONLINE RESOURCES (developed by popular demand!)

We’ve made some changes on the Sertoma website in recent years – do you know how to find what you need on In this short session, we will share a hands-on demonstration designed to help you navigate the many resources available in the Sertoma Member Center, find what you need on Sertoma’s many hearing health programs, and access Hearing Aid Project information. Make sure you have your login credentials ahead of time so that you can follow along on your web-enabled laptop, tablet, or smartphone. 

Sertoma’s National Conference will help you answer this very question as members from all over convene during moderated roundtable discussions focusing on the three major tenets of Sertoma clubs  – membership, mission, and fundraising! We’ll end the day with an open group discussion where attendees will share what they’ve learned and set intentions for next steps when they return home.

Come ready to share your own personal experiences and ask questions about important Sertoma work including:

  • Recruiting and engaging younger members
  • Easy-to-implement fundraising activities
  • Finding new community partners and causes
  • Incorporating a hearing health mission into current club events/fundraisers
  • Using mission to engage new and existing membership
  • Creating more harmonious clubs

The 2023 National Conference will be held in Charlotte, NC. Hotel reservations close on September 20, and all registration (including meal tickets) must be completed by October 3. Learn more at